The team in our leisure department often receives letters from clients, who have experienced a successful trip to the Baltics and beyond and who want to thank the person creating the programme.


“I wish to thank you for your assistance to my travel.  Your coordination of travel was nice and suitable for my wife and me. It gave us good memories of travel and kindness! 

Thanks a lot and good luck!”

Mr. and Mrs. E., Japan


“First of all we had an unforgettable time in Riga. That was because of all your help. So it was a pity that we could not meet you. I should have asked you earlier. All the ladies wanted to meet you too. We sent you al lot of good thoughts during our stay.

We had a wonderful time in Riga. It was a beautiful city. We were so surprised. The SPA and Jurmala was a fairytale. A lot of people came and asked for treatments, but it was fully booked. So you did a great job making this appointment. The weather was beautiful and the shopping was great. The guide tour was OK and it helps us when we were in The Old town.  You city has a lot of beautiful buildings.

We bought a lot of handmade glass. We have already discussed coming back to Riga and we will. (…) Thank you for you help and assistants, we will recommend Riga to the people we know.”

Anne Grete, Norway


“I have just spoken to Mr H., the tour leader, and your arrangements have just been perfect. The restaurants, the food, the fantastic guide, the sightseeing, the welcome at the airport. What more can I say ? You have done a good job.”

Helje M.K., Norway


"Thanks for the email yesterday. I would like to let you know that we both had a lovely stay in Riga. The tickets for the opera were excellent, we could not have wished for better seats. The hotel standard was better than I had expected with first class service. I have no complaints & should we decide to go to Riga again I will be in touch.


Many thanks for your efforts." 


T. Coldron


"We can’t believe we were in Riga this time last week but we were! We had a wonderful time and thank you very much for helping to make it happen for us. All the arrangements went very smoothly ( lights on time, airport transfers etc) and it was a relaxing trip. The hotel (Konventa Seta) was very good value for a 3*. The location was excellent and our room was quite spacious with a bath as well as a shower (well we are English!). The walls sloped in different directions and there were old beams- very authentic. We especially liked the enclosed courtyard and the proximity to the Galerija Centrs. We took a train out to Jurmala which was great, if a little chilly (about 4 degrees). We also visited the Lido Recreation Centre as you suggested and enjoyed the food as well as the lively atmosphere. We also went to the 26th floor of the Reval Hotel for cocktails- I can recommend the ‘Hot Latvian Winter’ as a truly memorable one! As I am a lecturer in heritage studies I was especially interested in Riga as a world heritage site. I enjoyed the museums and also went out to Mezzaparks to see some of the unacknowledged ‘darker’ tourism. There seems to be great potential to attract cultural tourists to the city but hoteliers, restauranteurs etc need to work on meeting and greeting tourists in a more enthusiastic fashion. Parts of the city also seem menacing and hopefully investment will be put into making some of the dodgy areas more accessible and welcoming. Overall it was a great trip, very relaxing and good value for money. I am pleased to have visited at this point in time as I think it will be a very different city ten years from now. Thank you again for your help."


D. Leighton


"Having just returned from our tour of the Baltic capitals with your company I felt I had to write to say how much we enjoyed the whole experience. The balance between free time and guided tours was just right and the guides were all excellent.Thank you very much."

Mr & Mrs Lawrence, United Kingdom


"Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen sehr herzlich für die perfekte Organisation unserer Reise

bedanken. Die Gruppe war mit den Leistungen wie Hotel und Reiseleitung Frau S. sehr zufrieden. Die Frau ist eine sehr bemühte und sehr genaue Frau und kümmert sich um alle Wünsche der Gäste.

Daher viele Grüße von der Gruppe auch an Frau S.


Bei Ihnen, liebe Frau Astra, möchte ich mich besonders bedanken. Sie haben sich in Ihrer

Freizeit sofort bereit erklärt, mit uns in die Zahnklinik zu fahren und für Herrn P. die ärztliche Untersuchung organisiert!  Vielen Dank!


Wir werden für Latvia Tours noch mehr Zusammenarbeit suchen und freuen uns auf die

Zusendung von Programmen.


Wir hoffen und freuen uns auf eine weitere gute Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen."



Hannes K., Austria


"Soeben war Herr F., der Reiseleiter unserer Gruppe bei mir.

Die ganze Gruppe war total begeistert, die Reise war perfekt. von der Auswahl der Hotels über den Autobus bis hin zu den örtlichen Reiseleitern und auch das Essen sehr gut. Der Organisator - für uns ein sehr wichtiger Mann, da er jedes Jahr mehrere Gruppenreisen bei uns bucht - war ausgesprochen glücklich und meinte es war bisher die beste Reise.

Das wollte ich Dir nur mal mitteilen, denn normalerweise erhält man ja nur dann feedback, wenn es irgendwelche Probleme gegeben hat. Herzlichen Dank und hoffentlich ergibt sich bald wieder die Gelegenheit zur Zusammenarbeit."

Michael H., Austria


"Liebe Maira, Hiermit möchte ich mich noch mal bei Ihnen herzlich für eine perfekte Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Unsere Gruppe war mit die Reise nach Riga 17.-2J.Mai dieses Jahres sehr zufrieden. Die außergewöhnliche Programmpunkte wie Marktbesuch, Fahrradfahren und vor allem - Abendkonzert im Dorn sind sehr gut angekommen. Es gab keine negative Bewertungen - was eigentlich sehr untypisch ist für so eine große Gruppe mit hohen Anspröchen. Ich persönlich bin auch sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen unseren ersten gemeinsamen Reisegruppen. Ich hoffe, das wir noch in diesem Jahr die Programme für .,Persönliche Reisen" zusammenstellen werden. weil ich schon drei Gruppen auf die Anfrageliste habe und es kann noch mehr dazu kommen. Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg"

X Nossowa, Con-Ex Partner in Germany  


"Hello, Laura! I would like to send you thank you message from our clients!  They had a very good time in Latvia and Estonia.  She said that hotel Garden Palace was very good, both place, quality and service!  Hotel Villa Joma was very nice, charming and with an excellent breakfast! They liked that in Latvia and Estonia, the beaches are so clean and they enjoyed going for a swim in the Baltic Sea. About Jurmala, more that was left in their memories – cars.  She said that she had only seen such cars in exhibitions before, but in Jurmala they are all over the streets! It was the ‘highlight’for her husband, who likes cars and mechanics. Overall she was very very happy and thankful for those particular hotel choices."

D Kontrima, Con-Ex partner in United Kingdom 

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